gen z ugc

Gen Z wants user-generated content - this is how your brand can give it to them

July 23, 2024·4 min read
gen z ugc


A fun-sized summary of this article

UGC is the primary vehicle for brands to influence the purchasing decisions of Gen Z on social 

A big part of that is the built-in authenticity that Gen Z values in UGC 

We love peer-to-peer insights on product and are quick to make a product sell out once word gets around

To effectively leverage the power of UGC with Gen Z, your social strategy will need some tweaking (and elbow grease)

It’s time for brands to give their UGC some TLC. 

What is UGC to Gen Z

#unboxing #unsponsored #review #tutorial

Those hashtags are where UGC lives on social - and what Gen Z is typing into their respective search bars to find the kind of videos that make us click purchase on our online carts. 

UGC = un-sponsored content created by people who’ve actually used the products. A.K.A., the kind of content that still maintains the most sought-after attribute online: an assumption of authenticity. 

It just so happens that authenticity is also one of the most valued and desired qualities Gen Z craves as a consumer base - not just in brands but in content, creators, and experiences. It is crucial in building trust with us and a valuable currency for brands aiming to establish relationships with our notoriously ad-weary generation. 

Understanding the shift towards UGC

Call it a consequence of poor diet; as the first generation of digital natives, we've witnessed the slow decay of traditional advertising as it was force-fed to us across as many screens as they could invent from 1998 - 2024. As a result, anything that feels too sale-sy makes us choke faster than an 8-year-old at Chili’s. It’s simply not our language. 

UGC, in contrast, breaks through because it happens where we spend our time (and money) - it’s peer-to-peer communication that doesn’t need to fake authenticity. Unlike the marketing tactics of yesteryear (yeah, I said it), UGC speaks a language that a scripted promo never could: unbiased honesty. Research consistently shows that Gen Z trusts UGC far more than traditional advertising or even influencer endorsements. This trust stems from our belief that peer consumers are not only ready to deliver honest feedback but also relevant insights speaking to what we want out of a product. 

UGC 🤝 Virality

Surprise, surprise - the influencer generation is highly influenced. In this case, a steady stream of UGC content, more often than not, kicks off a social domino effect; more and more people buy and review, until suddenly, you’ve found your product at the center of a trend. This kind of virality is the result of products being passed around the internet for consumers to discuss and dissect. But brands that join the conversation can turn virality into a fanbase, where posters regularly create content around the daily usage of your product. 

How your brand can elevate your UGC 

Engage: Don’t just post and ghost. Interact! Ask followers for their stories, reviews, and photos. Make them feel heard and valued.

Get a Native Speaker: Use automation tools to find content creators who resonate with your brand. That way, you won’t have to worry too much about your fluency in Gen Z’s language—the influencers you partner with have that covered.

Incentivize: Host contests, offer rewards, and give people a reason to post. Sometimes, simply opening the floor to feedback is enough. 

Be Ready For Tough Love: Create a safe space for customers to share their experiences with your product - the good and the bad. Gen Z doesn’t have baby brands, but we love to see them open to accountability.

Curate: Curate and showcase the kind of UGC that is circulating in your community. Be proud of the feedback - and willing to take notes. 

Why UGC is the Future

When it comes to product marketing, Gen Z has some serious trust issues; we’ve officially gone no-contact with traditional ads. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be sold to. In an increasingly social media-driven culture, UGC marks a crucial shift in how brands connect with their audience. For us, it’s going to be your primary in; authenticity, trust, and community take precedence over polish.