Gen Z Social Brands

What does Gen Z want from brands on social media? 

June 28, 2024·4 min read
Gen Z Social Brands

The It Girls of Gen Z marketing are as follows: Duolingo, Wendy’s, and Ryanair. 

They’re hot. They’re fun. They’re kind of mean. And, of course, Gen Z loves them. But why don’t we love you?

Well, scaling to the top of this metaphorical Dance Mom’s Pyramid is no small feat - contenders for #1 didn’t just nail a solo but also have a pre-established rapport to back it up. In translation, it’s not enough to go viral once or twice. Winning Gen Z’s (sustained) attention on social media requires brands to understand how we communicate with each other, peer-to-peer, across these platforms - and then adapt to it. 

Address the Ick of it all

Ever come across a branded post on social that made you immediately cringe with secondhand embarrassment? Flinched while encountering the term ‘slay’ being butchered by a blue checkmark account on Twitter? Clowned a #ad post that joined in a joke 3.5 weeks past due?

Well, that is called an ICK. And believe me, if your brand has been on social media long enough, you’ve inevitably been a perpetrator of it. To give The Ick is a corporate account rite of passage - especially if yours is run by a non-Gen Zer. 

Believe it or not, “the kids will love this” may well be famous last words as far as society is concerned (because remember, your own kids’ opinions don’t count; they're not a think tank). The harsh truth is, those try-hard posts aren’t gonna win you anything but crickets; not everyone can be the Duolingo TikTok account on their first try. But how do ‘icky’ brands reform?

Well, the best way to sound Gen Z is to be Gen Z. We love seeing content that’s by us, for us. Partner with Gen Z influencers, agencies, and content makers - that way, your content won’t just feel authentic to Gen Z, it’ll be the real deal. 

Have Ninja-like precision 

Nothing kills the mood faster than a shameless plug in the middle of an otherwise entertaining (and usually super unrelated) video. We're onto you, brands - and we're not here for it. That little #sponsored won’t save you from our wrath - or worse, our disengagement. 

One of the downsides of being the first generation of digital natives is that Gen Z is practically pelted with ads from the time we tap snooze in the AM ‘til DND toggles on at midnight. Our feeds are saturated with them; the Instagram Explore Page is like a digital billboard graveyard. Trust that you don’t need to add to it. 

The best way your brand can advertise to us is by leveraging the greatest gift the internet has lent to society thus far: relevance. (Google Maps is great too). Social media platforms have amazing audience segmentation tools built in to help narrow down your niche; and when it comes to marketing to Gen Z, the more precise, the better. 

Be about something

Gen Z knows that money talks; and as far as changing the world goes, best believe we have a whole lot to say. This generation believes that our purchase has political power. Purpose-driven brands resonate with us because they stand for something bigger than profit; they share our investment in societal betterment and put their money where their mouth is. 

Because yes, Gen Z does expect the brands we support to share our values - it’s actually what makes or breaks our loyalty in a market filled with dupes and 2-dollar knockoffs. So don't just sell us products; sell us a vision, a mission, a larger cause. Whether it's fighting climate change, promoting diversity and inclusion, or advocating for social justice, brands that are rooted in a mission are the ones we keep coming back to. 

Don’t Be The Loudest Voice

Let your UGC speak for you. User-generated content is the backbone of (good) Gen Z marketing, connecting with us on a level that polished ads never will. Don’t waste time on high-production-value shoots or celebrity endorsements; Gen Z craves authenticity and relatability from our peers. Our UGC keeps it raw, unfiltered, and authentic - exactly what we're looking for in an ad. Sometimes, it's just best to let your fans do the talking.